Saturday, January 26, 2008

Can You Learn a Foreign Language with Audio books?

Many of us English speakers did another language at school (I did French) but if you're like me and studies say many people are then you didn't really take it seriously and probably don't remember much.

***After all, English is the global language of business and aviation so what's the point?***

Yes, maybeup to a point

***Holiday problems***

You get into a medical emergency or your wallet gets stolen and the police don't speak English


Fact - Speaking another language massively (HUGELY!) expands your career options and opportunities.

If you're going for a job where a 2nd language isn't needed it will give you a powerful advantage if you're up against someone who doesn't have it.

If a job does need a 2nd language then if you can't speak it you've got no chance And in the ever expanding global economy those of us who are multi lingual WILL have access to more and better prospects, and, basically, earn more money.

***"Social Mobility"***

My own situation move country for personal reasons (love :-) I'm in Sweden where pretty much everyone DOES speak English but it was a big hindrance. I felt like a social outcast - they don't speak English at parties I can tell you!

***So How to do learn with a language audio book***

You can do evening classes etc - But that sucks up time like crazy. I know, I've done the Swedish For Immigrants course here. It's excellent but I only had time for a basic primer course and even that took up too much time (I run my own business at home at break neck speed and have a demanding dog with separation anxiety issues!)

So being a lover of mp3 audio books (and owner of an audio book website!) I got myself a Swedish language audio book which I played when walking the dog, riding to the shops and any other non work or family focus time About an hour a day in my world.

***Start it and Keep at it***

Don't give up At first not much goes in but after a while I can tell you that your ears get tuned in and it starts to make sense.

***Courses vary.***

Mine simply has the phrase or word being said in English then Swedish or vice versa - The core phrases are repeated in different ways and so build & reinforce the key basics to which you add vocabulary and away you go!

***How long does it take?***

1-3 months depending on you and how hard you go at it.

If you do 1-2 hours a day then you'll be able to speak a significant amount of any language after 6 weeks and be hot in 3 months.

Just imagine how surprised your friends and people at work will be when you chatter away in your new language and it's a GREAT feeling too.

I bombed in French at school and had a real mental block about learning another language i.e., I can't do it Now I can and audio books really pushed me to it. If I can do it anyone can and that means you so get to it!

At worst next time you go on holiday you can speak the basics with the locals and sort out problems or have more fun shopping. At best you'll be able to twitter away like a songbird!

***Suggested audio book language learning "courses" ***

There are many audio book versions of leading foreign language study courses as well as audio book specific ones.

Prices go from a few pounds or dollars for holiday starters (a perfect way to start) into hundreds for some very detailed "total" courses like Pimsleur levels 1-3+

To make a start just go to a search engine and type in the name of the language followed by "audio book" and start digging from there.

Nick Moseley shares time between the UK & Sweden where he lives with his fianc Lena & goes fishing (not as much as he wants!) He runs a 7000+ title downloadable audio book website. If youre looking for language audio books see the dedicated section at Blog33973
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